Ep 19 - From Competition to Friendships with Naama Barnea-Goraly of Girltelligence

Did you know that we are biologically programmed to be competitive with other girls? While this may be the case, it no longer serves us like it used to when we were cave people... In fact, it's doing more harm than not.

Abby talks with the co-founder of the Girltelligence app, Naama Barnea-Goraly, about why we are naturally competitive with other girls, and how we can shift that energy into building each other and forming friendships instead.

Connect with Naama

Download the Girltelligence app

Listen here:


Ep 20 - Being Competitive as a Girl: Ellement Teens Wonder


Ep 18 - Social Media As A Way To Make An Impact with Charlie of Dine Aesthetics